The Dangers of Asbestos

by | Sep 12, 2016 | Asbestos Removal

What is asbestos? It is a mineral fibre. Such a simple explanation for something that is so bad for you. Way back in 1924 the first person was recognized as having Asbestosis, and in 1931, mesothelioma was recognized for the very first time, but asbestos was never banned until 2003. For almost 80 years people were subjected to the dangers of asbestos even though the damage it could cause had already been shown.

How is Asbestos Removal Done?

To start with everything gets sealed off, doorways, windows, ducts, everything, and large warning signs are put up to warn people that asbestos removal is in progress. All of the air is sucked out of the area or room that is being worked on at a time. The negative air pressure stops air and dust particles (i.e. asbestos) from reaching other areas. For safety reasons every member of the disposal team wears disposable clothing, right down to their underwear. They also wear gloves and respirator masks. All asbestos material s are deliberately removed, double-bagged, labelled and transported in conformance with all pertinent laws and regulations. All surfaces will be wiped and vacuumed. Finally an independent lab will conduct testing to check safety levels and give the all clear.

Breakdown of the Work Process

  • Documentation and Arrangements     10%
  • Preparing and Erecting Enclosure       40%
  • Asbestos Removal                                10%
  • Environmental Cleaning                       30%
  • 4 Stage Clearance                                 10%

Each and every single one of these steps is important in their own right and each one needs to be followed exactly and correctly in order to keep everyone safe, perform the work properly and completely, and meet all necessary laws, rules and regulations. Blue A, Ltd. is a London based company who can aid you with asbestos removal from one room up to an entire demolition.

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