Tips for Caring for Wood Floors

by | Jun 26, 2017 | Flooring

Few things look as elegant and beautiful in a new home as wood flooring and while it is a great investment that helps boost the value of your home and increase sits appeal, they can be a bit difficult to care for if you have never had wood floors before. The best companies that offer timber supplies in Exeter know wood and how to care for it and they offer these five handy tips to help you keep your wood floors looking great year in and year out!

Dry Sweep Daily- Daily cleaning does not have to be an hour-long process. Just weeping the floors at the end of the day helps keep them clean and reduces the accumulation of dust and dirt and removes a big source of scratches and fading as well.

Use Rugs and Mats– High traffic areas in the home, particularly in hallways and entry ways, can benefit from throw rugs and door mats. This helps reduce wear and tear on the floor and also help to trap a lot of the dirt so it is not carried throughout the house.

Wet Mop Weekly– Weekly mopping with a damp mop keeps the floors bright and shiny and removes the stubborn dirt and grime before it gets ground into the wood grain of the floors and before it starts scratching the finishing off the boards.

Avoid Heavy Water Use– When cleaning your wood floors be sure not to use too much water and never saturate the floorboards. Too much water can cause buckling and warping of the wood board and it can also promote mould and mildew growth.

Reduce Wear and Tear– Take steps to minimize daily wear and tear on your floors. Have people take their shoes off before they come in, use claw caps to soften the nails of indoor pets, and stay on top of routine cleaning and floor maintenance!

For more tips and advice, contact Blamphayne Sawmills today and let them show you what expert timber supplies in Exeter looks like!

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