Do your homework when hiring scaffolding

by | Jun 27, 2016 | Materials & Supplies

There might be any number of reasons that you require scaffolding. You could be starting a construction project, but you could also be doing renovations on an existing home or office. However, whenever you need to work off the ground where you will be safe, you’ll need to arrange for scaffolding hire. If you haven’t done this before, you might need to know what questions to ask, and here are a few tips.

Questions to ask when embarking on scaffolding hire in London

Firstly, you’d be well advised to work through a local company. If you work with a company that has a subsidiary branch in your area, but which is an international company, the chances are that they might not be familiar with every building regulation in the UK. A local company will always be completely up to speed. You can click here to know more.

If you haven’t used scaffolding before, you will want to choose a company that will give you a training session in using the scaffolding, or will erect it for you. In case of an accident, check whether the hiring company has liability insurance, or whether this is something that you need to provide. It might even be a good idea to ask for proof of insurance so that you aren’t caught unawares if there is an unfortunate incident on site.

Check on the history of the hiring company

Every business needs to prove that it has a good reputation. A good sign is always if a company has been in business for many years, as it shows that it has a loyal customer base. Any good company will be delighted to allow you to talk to some of their customers, and this can really give you peace of mind. In fact, some companies will have a portfolio, and will be able to demonstrate their different products to you, and can show examples of the quality of their work. Ultimately, you will also care about price, and will probably phone around to compare quotations. However, you should always make certain that you’re confident that the supplier you’ve chosen is reputable and reliable, as this will be more significant than the cost.

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