Helping Your Parent Adjust to Nursing Home Care

by | Apr 7, 2017 | Assisted Living Facility

Private nursing homes in Devon and other areas can ease your anxieties over your aging parent living alone. But it can have dire effects on your parent. If they’ve been moved against their will, or they don’t like their surroundings, it could be detrimental to their overall health. Here are some ways to help your parent adjust to their new home:

Make sure you’ve chosen well

Take as much time as you need to choose a home you’re comfortable with, and one that you think your parent will fit into. It’s important to ensure they are getting the level of care they need (do they need to be reminded to take their medication? Can they eat their meals independently?) Qualified and friendly staff members will go a long way to making sure your parent is happy.

Visit often

Don’t just move them into their home and say, ‘see you!’ They need to know you still care. Visit them often and ask them what they need to make things better. If there is something in the facility they’re unhappy with, you can bring it up with staff and try to find a resolution.

Encourage them to meet others in the facility

One of the biggest benefits of nursing homes is the comradery between the residents. They are surrounded by other their own age and their own interests. Encourage your parent to get to know the others in the home.

Encourage outings

Most homes have regular outings, including shopping, sightseeing, etc. If your parent is able, encourage them to sign up for some of these outings to get out the home and enjoy a change of scenery.

Private nursing homes in Devon can be an ideal solution for aging parents who can’t live on their own any-more. Helping them adjust will give you both peace of mind.

If you’re looking for a care home with specific nursing training, Torr Home has you covered. Visit them online for more details.

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