Wheel chairs provide a way for people who are physically challenged to move around. It is therefore important for them to remain in a good condition otherwise it can affect mobility. If you depend on an electric wheel chair, one of the things that you should avoid is having a broken wheel chair. Imagine what would happen if you found yourself alone with a broken chair. You do not have to experience the situation if you are keen on the four areas mentioned below;
* Wheel chair care – Simple procedures such as keeping the tires clean, making sure the axle is clean, and pumping up the tires can prevent our wheel chair from breaking down frequent times. If you are incapable of carrying out the activities, request your friends or relatives to help you.
* Prevention – Prevention is cheaper than repairing or replacing a wheelchair. Take care of your wheelchair like making sure you use it on surfaces it can manoeuvre without being damaged, replacing the battery and cleaning it.
* Private repairs – In some places, you can find small companies that specialize on wheelchair repairs within your locality. Check your locality to see if there are such. The companies make house calls and can help you return a broken model to the shop. Since you do not know when you will need them, keep their contacts close by you.
* Electric wheelchair repairs – When your electrical wheel chair in Taunton breaks, do not try to fix it unless you are trained to handle such repairs. If you try fixing it on your own, you may end up spoiling it the more so don’t try if you are not trained on wheelchair repairs. Contact the manufacturer or supplier for professional repairs.
Wheelchairs are meant to bring convenience in terms of mobility. When they are broken, they cannot perform their function and they need to be fixed immediately. We offer diagnostic and battery testing services at Exeter Disability Centre Ltd. Contact us today for repairs for electrical wheel chairs in Taunton.