When Should You Call the Vets in Durham for Your Horse?

by | May 11, 2017 | Veterinarian

As the owner of a horse, sometimes it may be hard to judge what is an emergency and what isn’t with your horse’s health. Your horse is just like a member of your family, and you want to ensure they are in the best of health at all times. With that in mind, read on below for a look at when you should call the vets in Durham to come check out your horse as soon as possible.


Most wounds aren’t life threatening and can be healed pretty quickly. These are common in horses and heal fast most of the time. However, if your horses wound is bleeding severely or is causing an infection, you need to call your vets in Durham immediately for treatment. Some signs that you need to call your vet for a wound are listed below.

* The wound is deeper than the skin and is bleeding a lot

* The wound is exuding sticky fluid that is clear in color

* Regardless of the size, the wound is over a part of the horse that bends

* The wound is on the back of a limb, such as the hock or below the knee

Any of these symptoms are a great cause for concern; you should alert your vet right away.


Colic, just like in babies, is a severe abdominal pain. Symptoms to look for are below.

* Stretching

* Posturing to urinate

* Lying down or rolling

If you notice these symptoms for over 15 minutes and they don’t improve when walking the horse, it’s time to call the vet.

These are just a few of the signs and symptoms that you need to call your vet to see your horse. Don’t wait, as they could be serious conditions. For more information, contact the vets at Ashfield Veterinary Surgery today.

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